Maintaining an in-ground pool requires regular attention to keep it clean, safe, and in good working condition. Here are four essential in-ground pool maintenance tips you need to know:

1. Regular Skimming and Cleaning:

Skim the Surface: Use a pool skimmer or net to remove leaves, debris, insects, and other floating items from the pool’s surface daily or as needed. This prevents the debris from sinking to the bottom and making your pool water cloudy.

Vacuum and Brush: Vacuum the pool floor and walls regularly to remove dirt and algae. Use a pool brush to scrub the pool’s walls and steps. The frequency of vacuuming and brushing depends on your pool’s usage and environmental factors.

2. Water Chemistry Management:

Test Water Chemistry: Regularly test the pool water for pH, chlorine levels, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Maintain the water chemistry within the recommended ranges to ensure swimmer comfort and equipment longevity.

Add Pool Chemicals: When necessary, add pool chemicals to adjust the water chemistry. This may include chlorine, pH increasers or decreasers, stabilizers, and algaecides. Follow manufacturer instructions and safety guidelines when adding chemicals.

3. Filter and Pump Maintenance:

Check and Clean Filters: Clean or replace your pool’s filters as needed to ensure proper filtration. The type of filter (sand, cartridge, or DE) will dictate the maintenance schedule.

Inspect the Pump: Regularly check the pool pump for proper operation. Ensure it is primed, and there are no leaks or unusual noises. The pump is essential for circulating water through the filtration system.

4. Preventative Maintenance:

Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your pool’s equipment, including pumps, heaters, and plumbing. Look for leaks, damaged components, or signs of wear.

Professional Service: Consider scheduling regular professional pool maintenance. Professionals can identify and address issues early, potentially saving you money on major repairs.

Additional Tips:

Maintain the pool water level: Keep the water level in the middle of the skimmer’s opening to ensure optimal skimming and water circulation.
Winterize the pool: If you live in a region with cold winters, winterize your pool to protect it from freezing temperatures.
Use a pool cover: A pool cover can help keep debris out and reduce the amount of time and effort needed for maintenance.
Keep the pool deck clean: Regularly clean the area around the pool to prevent dirt and debris from entering the pool.

By following these in-ground pool maintenance tips, you can keep your pool clean, safe, and enjoyable throughout the swimming season and extend the lifespan of your pool and its equipment.